FAQ Overview


Sangfor HCI - Come impostare il router Router


Con Sangfor HCI è possibile creare un ambiente interno, separato dalle altre VM, in grado di fornire servizi come DHCP e DNS e NAT distribuiti fra i nodi


Selezionare il Router


in basso a dx premere il tasto Setting


Impostare gli IP delle interfacce Eth esterna ed interna


Impostare l'IP del Gateway sull'interfaccia esterna


inpostare le regole del NAT in uscita




Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 09-09-2020 17:19


How to Mount Datastore Cloned Snapshot in VMware ESXi

[root@nodo1:~] esxcli storage vmfs snapshot list

Volume Name: Jovian_allvm
VMFS UUID: 59aec5fa-f1922cb0-98a9-0cc47a352258
Can mount: false
Reason for un-mountability: the original volume is still online
Can resignature: true
Reason for non-resignaturability:
Unresolved Extent Count: 1

[root@nodo1:~] esxcli storage vmfs snapshot resignature -u 59aec5fa-f1922cb0-98a9-0cc47a352258

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-01-2020 15:18

How to passthrough SATA drives directly on VMWare EXSI 6.5 as RDMs

# ls -l /vmfs/devices/disks
-rw------- 1 root root 5000981078016 Feb 1 10:04 t10.ATA_____HGST_HDN726050ALE610____________________NAG4P4YX____________

# vmkfstools -z /vmfs/devices/disks/t10.ATA_____HGST_HDN726050ALE610____________________NAG4P4YX____________ "/vmfs/volumes/Samsung 850 Pro/Ubuntu Storage/HGST_RDM_1.vmdk"

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-01-2020 15:18

ESXi change MPIO RR and Adjusting Round Robin IOPS limit from default 1000 to 1


esxcli storage nmp device list

for i in `esxcfg-scsidevs -c |awk '{print $1}' | grep  eui`;  do
echo $i;
esxcli storage nmp device set --device $i --psp VMW_PSP_RR;
esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set --type=iops --iops=1 --device=$i;

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 08-08-2023 19:04

ESXI custom ISO - Adding extra drivers into an existent installation ISO file of ESXI.


  • A Windows computer with Powershell 2.0 or newer
  • VMware PowerCLI version 5.1 or newer
ESXi-Customizer-PS is a Powershell script that you launch from within a Powershell or a PowerCLI console window. It accepts various command line options. One of them is -help that will display this help screen:
Basically the script has three different operating modes:
  1. Create an ESXi installation ISO or Offline Bundle from the VMware Online depot (standard mode)
  2. Create an ESXi installation ISO or Offline Bundle from a local ESXi Offline Bundle (-izip mode)
  3. Update a local ESXi Offline Bundle with an ESXi patch bundle from the VMware Online depot (-izip -update mode)
With all three modes you can optionally add bundles from the V-Front Online Depot, any other Online Depot (by URL) or locally stored Offline Bundles and VIB files (e.g. downloaded drivers or software packages).
a) The simplest use case: Create a vanilla ESXi installation ISO with the latest patch level
Calling the script without any parameters will create an ESXi installation ISO of the latest ESXi version (6.5 as of now) and its latest patch level. The ISO file will be created in the script directory. You can modify this behavior by using one or more of the following parameters:
  • -v50 : Create the latest ESXi 5.0 ISO
  • -v51 : Create the latest ESXi 5.1 ISO
  • -v55 : Create the latest ESXi 5.5 ISO
  • -v60 : Create the latest ESXi 6.0 ISO
  • -v65 : Create the latest ESXi 6.5 ISO
  • -v67 : Create the latest ESXi 6.7 ISO
  • -outDir : Write the ISO file to a custom directory. If this switch is used then the script's log file will also be moved here and named after the Imageprofile name and timestamp.
  • -sip : Do not automatically use the latest image profile (= patch level), but display all in a menu and let me select a specific one. The menu will be sorted by date starting with the latest one. It will also list the image profiles that contain only security fixes and/or no VMware Tools.
  • -ozip : Do not output an installation ISO but an ESXi Offline Bundle that you can use for importing into Update Manager, command line patching with esxcli or as input for further customizations

b) Use an ESXi Offline Bundle as input (instead of the VMware Online depot):
.\ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -izip .\VMware-ESXi-6.0.0-2494585-depot.zip
ESXi Offline Bundles can be downloaded from the VMware Patch Download portal. Some hardware vendors (e.g. HP) also provide their customized ESXi version as Offline Bundles (these can be found on the vSphere download pages), and you could finally create your own customized ESXi Offline bundle using this script.

The command above will create an ESXi installaton ISO from the ESXi 6.0 GA Offline bundle. Again you can modify the behavior by using -outDir-sip and/or -ozip like described under a).
c) Adding additional packages from connected Online Depots
.\ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -v55 -load net-r8168,net-r8169,net-sky2
This script call will build the latest ESXi 5.5 installation ISO with the NIC drivers added that were dropped with ESXi 5.5. These packages are still in the VMware Online Depot, because they are part of all ESXi 5.0 and 5.1 image profiles, and the script just re-adds them to the latest ESXi 5.5 image profile.

Please note that this does not work for ESXi 6.0, because these drivers are blacklisted there. for details see my ultimate guide to upgrade your white box to ESXi 6.0

d) Connect the V-Front Online Depot and other depots
.\ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -v60 -vft -load sata-xahci,net55-r8168
This will make the script connect to the V-Front Online Depot and add the sata-xahci and net55-r8168 packages from there to the latest ESXi 6.0 Imageprofile.

e) Adding local Offline Bundles and/or VIB files
.\ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -pkgDir C:\temp\pkg
This command will add all Offline bundles and VIB files that are stored in the directory C:\temp\pkg. This way you can add 3rd party or community supported device drivers and software packages.

f) Updating an ESXi Offline bundle from the VMware Online depot
.\ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.6.0.ps1 -v60 -izip .\VMware-ESXi-6.0.0-2494585-HP-600.9.1.39-Mar2015-depot.zip -update
With this script call you update a local ESXi Offline bundle (in this example: the HP customized version of ESXi 6.0 GA) with the latest ESXi 6.0 patch from the VMware Online depot. When using -update please also specify the ESXi version that matches the one of the local Offline bundle (-v65, -v60, -v55, -v51 or -v50).

g) Advanced options

For the sake of completeness here are the remaining optional parameters:
-log: Specify a custom log file (the default is in %TEMP% or in outDir if specified)
-test : this is for testing the validity and effect of the specified parameters without actually building the output file. Can save a lot of time, because it also skips most downloads from the VMware Online depot.
-nsc : Use the -noSignatureCheck option with the export function. Try this if you get an error message like "Could not find trusted signer." because of packages with missing or invalid electronic signatures.
-ipvendor : Override the image profile's namedescription and vendor attributes. By default the name and description are derived from the original image profile by adding the string "customized", and the vendor is kept as is.
-remove vib1[,...] : Remove one or more VIB packages from the custom Imageprofile

Autore: : Share Support
Ultimo aggiornamento: 15-03-2022 13:31

How to passthrough ARECA Controller on VMWARE ESXi 7.0?

On ESXi Web interface go to Manage -> Hardware -> PCI Device and write "ARC" on search box:


Select ARECA Device row and click "Toggle passthrough":


Take note of Device ID and Vendor ID:


Edit /etc/vmware/passthru.map and add at the end of file Device ID   Vendor ID   resetMethod   fptShareable as sample below

 resetMethod  = d3d0
  fptShareable = false

execute /sbin/auto-backup.sh and reboot


Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 30-05-2022 18:31

Microsoft » Windows



REN C:\Windows\System32\Utilman.exe *.old

copy c:\Windows\System32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe Utilman.exe


Win Key + U

net user Administrator "new password"

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-01-2020 17:59


Password IPMI SUPERMICRO errata.

Come reperire le credenziali IPMI di default.

1) Etichetta posta sul tappo di protezione per il socket della/e CPU, la quale si trova dentro la scatola accessori


2) Nel chassis si trova una linguetta nella parte anteriore della macchina nella quale sono stampate le credenziali di default.

3) Le credenziali di default si trovano sempre sulla scheda madre.


Autore: : Share_Support
Ultimo aggiornamento: 02-03-2022 15:34

OpenStor » OpenStor JovianDSS

A causa di una caduta di tensione al riavvio JovianDSS non è in grado di importare il Pool con il seguente messaggio di errore: [exception-msg] cannot import 'Pool-0' as 'Pool-0': property 'failmode'(11) not defined Recovery is possible, but will result in some data loss. Come è possibile importare il Pool?


Il problema è causato da una differenza di dati fra la ZIL (Write Log) e il Pool e questo accade quando è attivo il Write Back sul volume ZIL nel controller RAID


- Impostare il volume della ZIL sul controller RAID in modalità Write Through
- Scaricare il tool jdss-api-tools da https://github.com/open-e/jdss-api-tools, creare una cartella C:\CLI e decomprimere dentro il file jdss-api-tools.exe 
- Entrare nella web Gui di JovianDSS -> System Setting -> Administration - REST Access -> abilitare "ENABLE REST access" lasciando Username "admin" e inserire "admin" come Password

- Aprire una finestra CMD -> cd c:\CLI -> eseguire il comando:
jdss-api-tools.exe import --pool Pool-0 --force --recovery_import --node
(sostituire Pool-0 con il nome del pool da importare e con l'IP del management del JovianDSS)

Altri comandi per l'Import Pool:

Get list of pools available for import:

jdss-api-tools.exe import --node

Import pool Pool-0:

jdss-api-tools.exe import --pool Pool-0 --node

Import pool Pool-0 with force option. Forces import, even if the pool appears to be potentially active.

jdss-api-tools.exe import --pool Pool-0 --force --node

Forced import of Pool-0 with missing write-log device.

jdss-api-tools.exe import --pool Pool-0 --force --ignore_missing_write_log --node

Forced import of Pool-0 in recovery mode for a non-importable pool. Attempt to return the pool to an importable state by discarding the last few transactions. Not all damaged pools can be recovered by using this option. If successful, the data from the discarded transactions is irretrievably lost.

jdss-api-tools.exe import --pool Pool-0 --force --recovery_import --node

Forced import of Pool-0 in recovery mode and missing write-log device.

jdss-api-tools.exe import --pool Pool-0 --force --recovery_import --ignore_missing_write_log --node

Forced import of Pool-0 in recovery mode and ignore unfinished resilver.

jdss-api-tools.exe import --pool Pool-0 --force --recovery_import --ignore_unfinished_resilver --node

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 27-09-2021 17:44

Autostart JovianDSS in OpenStor Hyperconverge sulution with VMware


edit /etc/rc.local.d/local.sh

vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | grep "JDSS1" | cut -d " " -f 1 | xargs vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on
sleep 240
esxcli storage core adapter rescan --all
for i in `esxcfg-scsidevs -c |awk '{print $1}' | grep  eui`;  do
echo $i;
esxcli storage nmp device set --device $i --psp VMW_PSP_RR;
esxcli storage nmp psp roundrobin deviceconfig set --type=iops --iops=1 --device=$i;

/sbin/vmware-autostart.sh start

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 18-09-2023 11:35


Come recuperare la password dimenticata nei controller ARECA

ARECA Controller password recover

per resettare la password si deve utilizzare l'utility CLI64
scaricare dal sito www.areca.com.tw il software MRAID che contiene anche il CLI64 o solo il CLI da ftp://ftp.areca.com.tw 

 si deve utilizzare la MASTER PASSWORD: MNO974315743924 (il carattere "O" dopo la N non è zero)

da windows esegui "cmd" e eseguire il CLI64

CLI> set password=MNO974315743924
GuiErrMsg<0x00>: Success.

CLI> sys changepw p=0000
GuiErrMsg<0x00>: Success.

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07-04-2022 16:18

OpenStor » Proxmox

Installazione OpenStor Cluster Proxmox JovianDSS

Questa FAQ è in revisione e non può essere visualizzata.

Autore: : Administrator
Ultimo aggiornamento: 23-12-2022 11:15